CABLESCOM has an internal information system through which anyone can: 

  • Communicate to CABLESCOM any breach of rules of which they become aware (either of legislation or implementation provisions or of the internal corporate regulations) committed by a member of CABLESCOM or by third parties that are in contact therewith in the framework of their work-related or professional activities. 

  • Transfer to CABLESCOM any query relating to the scope, compliance and interpretation of the regulations applicable to CABLESCOM.  

CABLESCOM has enabled an internal information channel through the following corporate email:

Communications may be presented in an identified or anonymous form. 

CABLESCOM undertakes to ensure the confidentiality of the identity of the informant, of any third party mentioned in the communication and of the facts communicated, and not to engage in any type of retaliation against persons who have reported a possible infringement in good faith. 

For more details, you can consult the Internal Information System Policy.